Department - Computer Science
Academic Activities
2012 - 2013
Seminars organized by the department
S.No Date Resouce Person Title Beneficiaries
1 24.08.2012 Prof.K.T.Tamilmani,
Department of English,
Nehru Memorial College,
The art of Resume Writing MCA and M.Sc Students
2013 - 2014
Seminars organized by the department
S.No Date Resouce Person Title Beneficiaries
1 27.7.2013 Prof V.S.Joe Irudhayaraj,
Associate Professor,
Dept of Computer Science,
St.Joseph's College
Competency Building Program MCA and M.Sc Students
2 07.02.2014 Mr. G. Arunkumar,
Senior Quality Engineer,
AMD Research & Development,
Heterogeneous system Architecture All PG and UG Students
3 13.02.2014 Dr .l .Arockiam,
Associate Professor,
Dept of Comp .Science,
St. Joseph's College,
Research Methodology And Scientific Writing All PG and Research Mphil Students
4 15.02.2014 Mr .R. Sivanesan,
Senior Engineer,
Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd,
Linux Kernel Programming All PG and selected Students from UG
5 21.02.2014 K.Rajadurai,
(An Alumnus of NMC),
Software Engineer,
SoftsQuare Solutions PVT LTD,
Code Venture ( A Space for enhancing Programming Skill) M.SC And MCA Students
Workshop organized by the department
S.No Date Resouce Person Title Beneficiaries
1 24, 25, 26 September 2013 C. Dwarakanth
Director and trainer,
Cloud Region Technologies
Google Apps All UG & PG Students
2 9, 10, 11 October 2013 Prof.M.Muralidharan
Game development using Python BCA, MCA, M.Sc (CS), M.Sc (IT)
Paper published

1. Mrs.R.Jaya, "CT Scan vs. Ultrasound Scan" published in IJAIM Journal Volume - 2, Issue - 2, Sept -2013.

2. Mrs. K.Sridevi, "Ontology Ranking Algorithms on Semantic Web A Review" Published in IJARCCE, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013.

3. Mrs. K.Sridevi, "A Novel and Hybrid Ontology Ranking Framework using Semantic Closeness Measure" Published in International Journal of computer Applications (0975- 8887), Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013.

4. Mrs. K.Sridevi "A Hybrid and Personalized Ontology Ranking Model Using U-Means Clustering And Hit Count" Published in Eropean Journal of computer Seience and Informatin Technology, Vol.1, No.3, pp.21-29, December 2013.

5. Mrs.J.SaiGeetha, "Enhancing Security level in Public Key Cryptography Using MRGA" Published in IEEE Explore, ISBN 978-1-4799-2876-7, March 2014.

Paper Presented

Mr.M.Muralidharan, presented a paper "Academic Social Responsibility: The Main Impetus Institutions" presented in the National seminar on "Social Responsibilities of Higher Educational Institutions on 18 & 19 July 2013 at ANJSC.

Mr.M.Muralidharan, presented a paper "Quality Enhancement through collaboration: Introspection on the Indispensable need for Industry- Interaction" at Theivanai Ammal College of arts and science, Villupuram.

Ms. Kalpana Parasuraman, presented a paper entitled "Current Research Scenario in Weblog Mining: A survey" at Vivekananda Institute of Information and Management Studies on 6th - 7th September 2013.

Workshop Attended

1. Thiru.M.Muralidharan. Mrs.K.PonvelAzhaguLakshmi, Mrs. V.Priya has attended the TEQIP-II Sponsored workshop on "Research Methods and Latex" on 20 & 21 September 2013 at NIT,Trichy

2. Mrs.R.Jaya, Mrs.D.Jayachitra, Mrs.K.Deepa has attended the National Workshop on "RAPID-A DATA MINING TOOL" at VIT Chennai on 5th October 2013.

3. Mrs.K.PonvelAzhaguLakshmi, Mrs.V.Priya, Mrs.K.Sridevi, Ms.Devika has participated in the two days National Level Workshop on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS" at Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore on 18 & 19 October 2013.

4. Ms.R.Akila, Mrs.K.PonvelAzhaguLakshmi Mrs.D.Jayachitra, Mrs.K.Sridevi, Mrs.V.Priya has participated in the Four - Day Training - cum - Production Workshop on e-content Development at Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti on 23.10.2013 to 26.10.2013.

5. Mrs.K.PonvelAzhaguLakshmi, Ms.R.Akila, Mrs.J.Saigeetha, Mrs.D.Jayachitra, Mrs.K.Sridevi, Mrs.K.Saraswathi, Mrs.K.Parameswari, Mrs.P.Isabella, Ms.S.Devika, Mrs.K.Deepa and Mr.R.Mahendran has participated in the two days Workshop on LATEX organized by the ABEL Interdisciplinary Research Cell at Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti on 11 & 12 November 2013.

6. Mr.R.Mahendran has participated in the one day Workshop on DATA ANALYSIS using SPSS "22" organized by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli held on 6th January 2014.

2014 - 2015
Workshop organized by the department
S.No Date Resouce Person Title Beneficiaries
1 10 & 11 July 2014 R.Akila,
Special guest:
1. K.Rajadurai,
Software Engineer,
Soft square Solutions Pvt ltd,Chennai
2. A.Sakthivel,
Android Application Developer, Buddies Info tech Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Workshop on Software Development III MCA & II MCA Students
2 29 & 30th Sep 2014 Python Core Group of NMC
Chief guest: Dr.E.Ramganesh,
Registrar, BDU,Trichy
State Level Workshop on Interactive Programming Using Python UG & PG students from other colleges
2015 - 2016
Seminars organized by the department
S.No Date Resouce Person Title Beneficiaries
1 25.01.2016 Dr.S.Bhuvaneshwari,
Department of Computer Science,
Karikal Campus,
Pondicherry University.
Cloud Computing and BigData Analytics Final year students of UG, PG & M.Phil Scholars

A seminar on "Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics" was organized for the final year Under Graduate, Post Graduate and M.Phil Scholars of Computer Science students. The programme was aimed to motivate the youngsters to update their knowledge in the recent trends in the industry and to understand the importance of research in the computer science discipline. Dr. S. Bhuvaneshwari, Head, Department of Computer Science, Karaikal Campus, Pondicherry University delivered the keynote address. While delivering the lecture she illustrated various cloud computing models and its applications. She further elaborated the various service models of cloud computing and explained how a data center is playing a vital role for the industries concerned. She also introduced the concept of Big Data and Data Analytics and explained how tools like hadoop are useful for extracting potential information. Further she enlightened the audience on the promising research directions on Big Data.

The program was presided over by the Principal Dr.T.Jayaprakasam and felicitated by Pon.Balasubramanian, President of our College Committee, Prof. M.Muralidharan, Head, Department of Computer Science, welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr.K.Mani introduced the chief guest. The programme was organized by Prof. P.Kalpana from Computer Science Department. Prof. S.Murugan, Prof. K.Ponvel Azhugulakshmi, Prof.R.Akila and Prof. J.Saigeetha participated in the programme. Ms. Nandhini and Mr. Manikandan gave feedback about the programme. Prof. P.Kalpana proposed vote of thanks.

2016 - 2017

Details of the Programme organized by the Department

S.No. Name of the Programme Date Title Organizer(s) Name of the Guest
1 Seminar 4th July 2016 Current Trends and Job Opportunities in IT Prof.P.Kalpana Mr.R.Sivanesan, Technical Lead, Mindlance Inc, New Jersey, USA
2 CSI Seminar 10th Sep 2016 Job Opportunities in Software Testing Prof.R.Akila Srinivasan Desikan, Vice President, Alta Source
3 Think Quest 2017 25th Jan 2017 Inter-Collegiate Competition Prof.P.Isabella & Prof.C.Yogaraj Shri. Lakshman Pillai, Founder & CEO, LPCUBE Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
4 OPTRA 2017 25th Jan 2017 Intra-Collegiate Competition Prof.D.Nandhini & Prof.R.MahendiranShri. Lakshman Pillai, Founder & CEO, LPCUBE Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
5 Seminar 11th Feb 2017 Creation of Dynamic Website using PHP Prof.K.Saraswathi G.Subramanian, Senior Software Engineer, India Property Online Pvt.Ltd,Chennai
6 State Level Workshop 17th & 18th Feb 2017 Application Development using Python Prof.V.Priya N.Rajasekaran, Deputy General Manager, BHEL, Trichy

CSI Staff Seminar

S.No. Name of the Programme Date Title Resource Person Beneficiaries
1 Seminar 28th Sep. 2016 Software Testing Strategies v.Prof.R.Jaya II M.Sc. CS & III MCA students
2 Seminar 25th Nov. 2016 Data Analytics using 'R' Prof.K.P.Lakshmi II M.Sc. CS & III MCA students

CSI Student Seminar

S.No. Name of the Programme Date Title Resource Person Beneficiaries
1 Seminar 25th July 2016 Virtual Private Network Mr.P.Sivanandha II M.Sc. CS & III B.Sc. CS students
2 Seminar 31st Aug. 2016 Computer Virus Mr.C.Manikandan II M.Sc. CS & I M.Sc. CS students
3 Seminar 16th Sep. 2016 Computer Hardware Mr.S.Sathishkumar II M.Sc. CS & III B.Sc. CS students
Photogallery of Activities (2016-2017)