YRC unit of our College organized An Orientation Programme on "Health and Nutrition" on 20.07.17. The Chief Guests were Mrs.K.Gomathi, ICTC Counselor, Govt.Hospital, Manachanallur and Mrs.E.Udaya Rani, ICTC Counselor, Govt.Hospital, Sirukambur, delivered a lecture on "Health and Nutrition". They explained about the importance of protection of life from diseases. They highlighted the harmful effects of mal-nutrition and also explained preparing for good food habits to mitigate diseases in an effective manner.There are sixty five YRC volunteers were participated in this programme. They had an awareness of good nutrition can help prevent disease and promote health, which contribute to the development of nation. Dr.A.Pon Periasamy,Principal, gave the presidential address, Dr.V.Kaleeswari YRC Programme Officer, welcome the gathering and M.Ishwarya, III-B.A Economics, proposed the vote of thanks.