Department of Tamil
About the Department

The Department of Tamil of Nehru Memorial College was started in the year 1967 with Pre-University. The department is headed by Dr.S.Rajendran, M.A., M.Phil., PhD., B.Ed., SLET., with four staff members in the aided stream and thirteen staff members in the self-supporting stream. Among the faculty members, there are nine Ph.D., holders.

Vision of the Department.

Teaching biological thinking and higher qualities required for backward rural students. Improving language knowledge. To make the youth who come for education to be socially caring. Providing literary education on overcoming social inequalities and achieving social justice. Providing education to transcend caste, religion, ethnic and national boundaries and become world peace thinkers. Improving life by learning yoga etc. for peace of mind on an individual level.

Mission of the Department.

Literature from the Sanskrit period to the present is taught in such a way as to enable students to acquire life ideas. Grammar lessons are taught and language training is provided to improve language skills. Literature offers courses that promote social justice thinking and vocational education to improve the living standards of the underprivileged. The difference is that literary education that develops past human developmental thinking and yoga practice for individual human peace of mind is provided.