Research Projects
Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department of Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator Cost of the Project in Lakhs
Dr. R. Surendrakumar and Dr. A. Idhayadulla
NANOCEUT Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd
Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti Department of science and technology Government College 110.00
Dr.V.Pandiyan Science and Engineering Research Board Government Physics 20.04
Dr.P.Neelanarayanan Science and Engineering Research Board Government Zoology 37.00
Dr.A.Venkatesan Science and Engineering Research Board Government Physics 18.86
Dr. M.Meenakshisundaram Department of science and technology Government Botany 9.75
Mr. P. Ramesh University grants commission Government Physics 2.70
Dr. V. Pandiyan University grants commission Government Physics 2.95
Dr. M.Meenakshisundaram Department of science and technology Government Botany 9.75
Dr. M.Meenakshisundaram Department of science and technology Government Botany 9.75
Dr. R. Surendrakumar and Dr. A. Idhayadulla HYPROCELL LLC CONNECTICUT, USA Non-Government Chemistry 3.00
Dr. M. Meenakshi sundram Department of science and technology Government Botany 9.75
Dr. M. Meenakshi sundram Department of science and technology Government Botany 9.75
Dr. M. Meenakshi sundram University grants commission Government Biotechnology 3.30
Dr.T.Jayaprakasam University grants commission Government Commerce 0.70
Mrs.S.Kanchidevi University grants commission Government Commerce 0.80