Rules & Regulations

  • Students, both boys and girls, should come to the college decently dressed up adhering to our cultural values.
  • At the first bell, students shall go to their respective classes and take their seats so as to be present when the teacher enters.
  • Students shall occupy the seats assigned to them in the alphabetical order and shall not change them without the permission of the teacher.
  • Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each hour.
  • A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken will be marked absent.
  • Late-comers will not be admitted to the class without an admission slip from the Principal or a person authorized by him for the purpose.
  • No student shall leave the classroom during a lecture without the permission of the teacher.
  • Students should not loiter on verandahs, corridors, staircase and other passages as it disturbs the academic atmosphere in the campus.
  • While moving from one class to another, strict silence must be observed.
  • When students are free, they are expected to go to the Library.
  • Students are expected to read the circulars put up on various Notice Boards in the college, and ignorance of any circular will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with it.
  • Use of cell phones by students inside the classrooms, is strictly prohibited. Cell Phones will be confiscated, if students are found using them inside the classrooms.
  • The Campus is free from Tobacco and Alcohol, therefore students are advised to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol which are injurious to health.
  • Students shall not involve in any form of ragging inside or outside the College campus

Ragging is a serious criminal offence that involves severe punishment in the form of dismissal from the College and Police action that can result in imprisonment as per the provisions of Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997

  • Those who bring vehicles to the college are advised not to indulge in rash driving inside the campus. Strict action will be taken against those involved in rash driving.
  • Students will have to remit course fees on time. Names will be struck off the rolls who do not remit the fees even after the last date of payment of fees with fine.
  • Students are forbidden to organise any meeting in the college or collect money for any purpose without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students shall hand over to the College Office any property found in any place in the College campus.
  • Great care must be taken in handling equipment / apparatus in the labs. All breaking, losses and damages must be reported at once to the Head of the Department.
  • Every student should possess identity card with his/her photo affixed on it duly attested by the principal. Students are expected to wear their rope identity cards whether inside or outside the class. The identity card shall be shown on demand, in the College Office, Library, and while participating in inter-collegiate events. Identity card shall be carried by the students to the University Examination hall. Identity card shall be shown to the security staff manning the gates.
  • A grievance redressal mechanism exists in the institution. Students are advised to approach the faculty-in-charge of Grievance Redressal cell for getting their grievances or problems addressed.
  • A student requiring leave for a portion of a class must apply to the teacher in person before the class begins.
  • A Student requiring leave for a whole session or more must apply for it in writing to the Head of the Department.
  • All leave application must be sent in the prescribed form ,available in the College Office,
  • A student who applies for long leave on grounds of illness must attach a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner with his/her leave application form. In any case, the medical certificate must reach the College Office within 5 days of the student's return to the classes. Medical Certificates submitted later will not be accepted. Production of the medical certificate will not automatically enable a student to get condonation of shortage of attendance.
  • Students will be fined for absence without leave and fined heavily for such absence at the beginning and the end of a semester or before and after a College holiday.
  • Continued absence without leave for more than 10 working days will render a student liable to have his / her name struck off the rolls of the College.
  • A student will be eligible to appear for the End Semester Examinations at the end of a semester only if,
  • He / She puts in at least 75% attendance in classes.
  • He / She shows satisfactory progress in studies, in all tests and examinations conducted by the College / Department during the semester and secures at least reasonsable minimum marks in them.
  • His / Her conduct in the College during the semester has been satisfactory.
  • Condonation of attendance will be granted by the Principal for those Students who have gained more than 60% of attendance but below75% on submission of a letter of request along with medical certificates. However, the Principal reserves the right to grant condonation subject to the conduct and academic progress of the students.
  • On any account students who have secured less than 60% of attendance will not be permitted to appear for the End Semester Examination. They have to Re-do the course after getting permission from the University.
  • Students should abstain from active participation in party or communal politics.
  • The Principal may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character which regulate the conduct of the students on the rolls, so far as such rules seem necessary to maintain the creditability, usefulness and reputation of the College or hostel.
  • The Principal shall have full power to inflict the following punishments in the interest of the students or the Institution: Fine, loss of attendance, loss of term certificate, suspension or expulsion.
  • Students should not indulge in any activity leading to the disruption of peace and discipline, or dislocation of the normal functions or meetings. Those who are found guilty of violation of this rule will attract any of the punishments mentioned above.
  • All teaching & non-teaching staff of the college shall be governed by the terms & conditions of the agreements on Form 7(a), 7(b), 7(c) of the Tamil Nadu Private Colleges Regulation Act 1976 according to as they are permanent teaching, temporary teaching or non-teaching staff respectively.
  • All teaching & non-teaching members of staff shall observe the instructions regarding the attendance issued by the Regional Deputy Director of Collegiate Education.
    • That all teaching staff shall sign the attendance at the beginning of the College session namely before 9.30 A.M. and they shall be available in the college during the working hours of the College. (9.30 A.M. to 3.30 P.M)
    • All non-teaching staff shall sign the attendance at the beginning of the College before 9.00 A.M. and shall be in the work spot for 8 (Eight) hours irrespective of the hours of functioning of the College.
    • No teaching & non-teaching staff shall absent themselves without written prior permission of the Principal as a matter of course.
    • All teaching & non-teaching staff members shall obtain the permission in writing of the Principal if they want to attend late or leave the College early after signing the attendance.
    • If the teaching & non-teaching staff members are absent without taking prior written permission of the Principal, they shall be liable for cut in casual leave or earned leave as the case may be.
    • Any habitual late coming or absence without proper permission will be viewed seriously and appropriate action will be taken.
    • All leave application letter proposals for faculty, improvement scheme etc., or examination on other duty shall be submitted well in advance to the Principal for processing and getting the approval of the Management in time.
  • (a) No member of the staff shall address any correspondence directly either to the Management or the Government authorities. Such correspondences should always be routed through the principal.
  • (b) All members of the staff intending to represent matters to Government or any other authorities shall take the prior written permission of the Management for the purpose.
  • All members of the staff are requested to refrain from any activity which will lead to the disruption of the peace and calm of the Campus and shall not indulge themselves in activities prejudicial to the interest of the Institution or other individual staff members like incitement, abuse, and assault including reference to Community.
  • They should come in time and supervise the Lecturers in their Departments to ensure that they come in time, take classes in time and do their duties properly.
  • The books prescribed by the University for each year should be procured through the Library and made available in the Department.
  • Each year and each Semester, bearing in mind the general needs of the college the lesson plan for the Department should be determined and given to the Lecturers beforehand. This should be handed over to the Principal two days before the reopening of the College.
  • Keeping in mind the lessons to be taken and those that have been taken the examinations should be conducted and the students’ progress reports in the prescribed form should be ready and, with the signature of the HOD, should be sent to the parents through the Principal. When they are returned by the parents they should be kept in the files of the departments.
  • It is very necessary to make sure every day, in the morning and in the evening that the Lecturers and students have done their duties. If for any unforeseen reason the HOD is not able to be present, he/she should ask the senior-most person in the department, in writing, to do this supervision.
  • After the results of the University Exams are published, the Heads of Departments should examine the results of their Departments and discuss with the other Lecturers in the Department of frequent meetings how to improve the progress of the students and take follow-up action.
  • The HOD should maintain the movements register of the Lecturers.