College Day Celebration

The College Day(SF) was celebrated on 12th March 2016 with the annual report presentation by the Heads of the department, prize awarded to the academic toppers, rewarded those students who excelled in their extra curricular activities and Golden Tex Scholarships were awarded.Er.Pon.Balasubramanian, President of the college presided over the function. Principal Dr.T.Jayaprakasam welcomeed the gathering. Head of the Physics department Dr.S.K.Kumararaman felicitated.

Dr.T.Jayaprakasam in his welcome address said "with the support of teachers,students and parents,college is growing immensely and strongly. Form few hundred students we have reached four thousand students strength. The confidence level of every stalkholder is increaseing day by day which is the reason for the massive increase in the student strength. The credit goes to the management which has given us the right lead in all aspects of running the college". In his presidential address, Er.Pon.Balasubramanian said "Iam happy to see the major improvement in the college activities. From one or two events in a year we see three to four events every day. I must congratulate the principal, heads of the departments, faculty members, and students for this remarkable performance. Apart from our students securing university ranks, opportunities siezed in different walks of their lives is really encouraging for the management". Dr.S.Kumararaman, Head of the physics department said "The credit for imporving the college goes to the management, faculty,students and parents". Today we college strength looks impressive. The Continous hardwork of all those who are involved in the college building has paid reach dividends. In the end a colour cultural presentation for more than one hour impressesed the audience. Dr.D.Maheswari, Head of the Tamil department proposed a vote of thanks.