    1.1.0 Composition:
  • The Goverming Body shall consist of 5 members nominated by the Educational Agency including the Chairman of the Governing Body.
  • 2 members nominated by the Principal from among the faculty members.
  • 1 member who is an educationist / industrialist shall be nominated by the Educational Agency.
  • However, on extraordinary circumstances the Governing Body shall nominate one or two Educationist/Industrialist as members in the Governing Body who are not the members of the Educational Agency or the staff members of the College by special resolution based on specific reasons.
  • 1 member nominated by the University Grants Commission as its representative.
  • 1 member shall be nominated by the University as its representative.
  • 1 member shall be nominated by the Government of Tamil Nadu as its representative.
  • and the Principal of the College who shall be the ex-officio member in the Governing Body.
    1.2.0 TERM:
  • The term of Office of the members shall be two years.
  • The term of the Office of the representative of the University Grants Commission shall be six years.
    1.3.0 THE CHAIRMAN:
  • The President of the Educational Agency shall be the Chairman of the Governing Body.
  • He will preside over the meetings of the Governing Body.
  • If the Chairman is absent for the meeting under unavoidable circumstances any member elected by the members present in the meeting shall be the Chairman for that meeting.
    1.4.0 THE SECRETARY:
  • The Secretary will be nominated by the Governing Body.
  • Generally the Governing Body shall nominate the Principal of the College as the Secretary of the Governing Body.
  • Under special circumstances it is up to the Governing Body to nominate any member of the Governing Body as Secretary.
  • The Secretary will function on the directions of the Chairman of the General Body.
  • The meeting of the Governing Body shall be held on the directions of the Chairman whenever it is felt necessary.
  • However, the Governing Body meeting shall be convened atleast twice a year.
  • The notification for the meeting shall be issued by the Secretary of the Governing Body by the directions of the Chairman.
  • The meeting of the Governing Body shall be convened with 15 clear days notice in writing to the members of the Governing Body.
  • 50% of the total strength of members of the Governing Body shall be the quorum for the meeting.
  • The resolutions shall be passed by simple majority of votes, In the event of equal number of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
  • Not withstanding the procedure of giving 15 clear days notice an extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body may be convened with 2/3 of the total number of Governing Body members on urgent occasions after giving lesser days of notice to each member.
  • For Governing Body meetings venue and time shall be fixed by the Chairman.
  • The minutes of the meeting shall be sent to the members. If there are no remarks received from the members within 10 days, it will be presumed that the minutes are approved,
  • On special occasions special agenda canbe brought forward to the — Governing Body for obtaining its approval by way of moving circular resolutions.
    1.6.0 FUNCTIONS:

    Subject to the existing provisions prescribed in the bye-laws of the Society (Educational Agency) and the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Private College (Regulations) Act 1976 and the rules made there under the Governing Body shall have powers :

  • To nominate the Secretary of the Governing Body.
  • To make rules and regulations and amend or repeal the same.
  • To constitute the Academic Council and Boards of Studies keeping in view the guidelines of the University Grants Commission.
  • To constitute the Finance Committee and such other Committees as may be found necessary from time to time for the smooth management of the autonomous College.
  • To appoint the Controller of Examinations.
  • To approve panel of examiners with due consideration of the recommendations of the Boards of Studies and Academic Council.
  • To conduct the examinations and approve and publish the results thereof.
  • To fix the remuneration payable to the Examiners.
  • To fix the fees and other charges payable by the students of the College on the recommendations of the Finance Committee.
  • To institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes etc., on the recommendations of the Academic Council.
  • To approve institution of new programmes of study leading to degrees and / or diplomas.
  • To approve the Budget and Audited Statement of Accounts presented by the Finance Committee.
  • The Chairman of the Governing Body will respond to and/or act on behalf of the Governing Body on legal issues pertaining to the compliance of governance of the Autonomous College.
  • All suits and other legal proceedings shall be served on the Chairman of the Governing Body.
  • To perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and deemed fit for the proper development, and to fulfill the objectives for which the college has been granted autonomy.
  • The Academic Council shall be constituted by the Governing Body keeping in view the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission,
  • The Academic Council will be solely responsible for all academic matters, such as, framing of academic policy, approval of courses, regulations and syllabi, etc.,
  • The Council will involve the faculty at all levels and also experts from outside, including representatives of the University.
    2.1.0 COMPOSITION:
  • The Principal of the College shall be nominated by the Governing Body as Chairman of the Academic Council.
  • All the Chairpersons of the various Boards of Studies shall be the Members of the Academic Council,
  • Not less than 4 experts from outside the College representing such areas as Industry, Commerce, Law, Education, Medicine, Engineering ete., shall be nominated as members of the Academic Council by the Governing Body.
  • 4 Teachers of the College, representing different categories of teaching staff by rotation, shall be nominated as members by the Governing Body.
  • Three nominees of the Bharathidasan University shall be the members of the Academic Council.
  • One faculty member shall be nominated by the Principal as member of the academic council.
  • The Principal shall nominate any one of the faculty member in the Academic Council as member Secretary.
    2.2.0 TERM:
  • The Term of the members of the Academic Council shall be 2 years.
    2.3.0 CHAIRMAN:
  • The Governing Body shall nominate the Principal of the College as Chairman of the Academic Council.
  • The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the Academic Council.
    2.4.0 SECRETARY:
  • The Member Secretary of the Academic Council shall be nominated by the Principal.
  • The Secretary shall issue the notifications for the meetings of the Academic Council.
  • The Secretary shall record the Minutes of the Meeting and function for and on behalf of the Academic Council based on resolutions.
    2.5.0 MEETING:
  • The Meeting of the Academic Council shall be convened atleast once in a year.
  • However, the meeting of the Academic Council may be convened more than once whenever it is felt necessary.
  • The Notice for the meeting of Academic Council shall be issued by the Member Secretary of the Academic Council on the directions of the Chairman.
  • The meeting of the Academic Council shall be convened with 7 clear days notice in writing to the members of the Academic Council.
  • The venue and time for the Academic Council meeting shall be fixed by the Chairman.
    2.6.0 FUNCTIONS:
    Without prejudice to the generality of functions mentioned, the Academic Council shall have powers to
  • Scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
  • Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the college.
  • Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and functioning of the play grounds and hostels.
  • Recommend to the Goveming Body proposals for institution of new programmes of study,
  • Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
  • Advise the Governing Body on suggestions pertaining to academic affairs given by it.
  • Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.
  • The Board of Studies will be the basic constituent of the Autonomous College. The Boards of Studies will frame the syllabi for various courses, reviewing and updating programme including new courses of study recommending details of continuous assessments to the Academic Council.
  • The various Boards of Studies of the Autonomous College shall be constituted by the Governing Body.
    3.2.0 COMPOSITION:
  • The Head of the Department concerned shall be nominated as Chairman of the Boards of Studies, However, the Governing Body will nominate any experts from outside the College as Chair persons of Boards of Studies concerned for any specific reasons.
  • Two Experts of the subject concerned shall be nominated from outside the College by the Academic Council
  • The Chairman of the UG Board of Studies of the subject concerned shall be a member in the PG Board of Studies and the Chairman of PG Board of Studies of subject concerned shall be a member in the UG Board of Studies.
  • One expert in the subject shall be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the Principal.
  • The faculty members of each specialization shall be nominated by the Governing Body as members.
  • One Post Graduate meritorious aluminous shall be nominated by the Principal.
  • One Representative from Industry/Corporate/Allied area related to placement shall be nominated by the Governing Body.
  • Other members of the staff of same faculty shall be nominated by the Governing Body if necessary.
  • In general each Board of Studies shall be constituted with a maximum of nine members.
  • The Governing Body in an extraordinary circumstances may constitute the Board of Studies with more than 9 members.
    3.3.0 TERM:
  • The Term of the members of the Boards of Studies concerned shall be 2 years.
    3.4.0 MEETING:
  • The Meeting of the Boards of Studies shall be convened on the directions / approval of the Principal.
  • The Chairman of the Boards of Studies concerned shall preside over the meeting.
  • The Venue and time shall be fixed by the Chairman Boards of Studies.
  • The Meeting of the Boards of Studies shall be convened atleast once in a year.
  • However, the meeting of the Boards of Studies shall be convened more than once whenever it is felt necessary.
  • The Chairman Boards of studies shall convene the meeting and record the minutes and submit same to the Principal.
    3.5.0 FUNCTIONS:
  • To prepare syllabi for various courses keeping in view of the abjectives of the College, interest of the stakeholders and national requirement for consideration and place them before the Academic Council for its approval:
  • To suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques.
  • To suggest panel of names to the Academic Council for appointment of Question Paper setters examiners: and
  • To co-ordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the department/college.