Computer ScienceE html> :::: Nehru Memorial College ::::
Seminar On SAP and its Applications

A seminar on "SAP and its Applications" was organized for the post graduate computer science students. The programme wes aimed to motivate the student to the current trends. Mr.R.R.Suresh, SAP consultant, chennai while delivering the said lecture provided the key points of SAP applications. He further explained the concepts of three hosting modes namely on premises, SAAS,on cloud. He further extended with client-server Architecture then introduced advance business application programs(ABAP).

The program was presided over by the principal Dr.T.jayaprakasam and felicitated by Pon. Balasubramanian, president of our college committee, Prof. M.Muralidharan, head, department of computer science, welcomed the gathering. The programme was coordinated by Prof. V.Priya from computer science department. G.Nandhini, final yaer IT student gave feedback about the programme.