Department of Economics in association with Gender Club of our college organized an orientation programme 26.08.2016. The Guest Dr. N. Manimekalai, Director, centre for Womens studies, Bharathidasan University, Trichirappalli delivered a lecture on Gender studies. She explained about the importance of Gender Studies. Basic concepts and Areas of Gender Discrimination. She also discussed about Women Empowerment,state initiatives to promote Gender equality, national commission for women, sexual harassment of women at the workplace and protection of women from domestic vilence act 2005. T.Jayaprakasam, Principal, Nehru Memorial college presided over the programme. Er.Pon. Balasubramanian, president, Nehru Memorial college offered felicitation. Gender club coordinator Dr. R. Manimekalai welcomed the gathering. R. Mahalkshmi of II B.Sc mathametics proposed vote of thanks.