Webinar on "Secret of Success Mantras" - 09.07.2019

The Post Graduate and Research Department of Computer Science has organized a webinar on "Secret of Success Mantras" on 09-07-2019 in our college. Mr.Sekhar Santiago, Enterprise Software Architect, CVS Health, Chicago, USA delivered a talk through video conferencing. The theme of the seminar is to motivate the students hailing from rural villages to excel in their life by overcoming from their person problems. Mr.Sekhar handled the session with inspiring quotes on problem solving, stress management and failure vs. success. During the interaction, he emphasized the need for overcoming the stress and personal problems and how to taste the success. He also illustrated with examples of various persons in the globe who have tasted the success in spite of their personal problems. He requested the students to take a positive approach and built the confidence and a will power to overcome the failures. He dwelt upon how to build our mind set with a positive attitude. He also asked the students to set up a goal and move forward to achieve the goal.

Earlier the webinar was inaugurated by Dr.A.R.Ponperiasamy the Principal of the College. Dr.M.Muralidharan, Head, Department of Computer Science welcomed the gathering and also introduced the chief guest. Around 200 under graduate and post graduate final year students were participated in this webinar. Dr.S.Murugan, Dr.K.Mani, Mrs.K.Ponvel Azhugulakshmi, Mrs.D.Jayachitra and other faculty members of the department also participated in the proceedings. Ms.P.Kalpana, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science organized this event. The students Ms.Deena, Mr.Naveen, Ms.Varsha and Mr. Mohan provided the feedback about the webinar.

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